Dieses Produkt kann Ihre Gesundheit schädigen und macht stark abhängig. Ce produit peut nuire à votre santé et crée une forte dépendance. Questo prodotto può nuocere alla tua salute e provoca un’elevata dipendenza.

To use the Vuse website you must be aged

18 years or over.

Are you older than 18 years?

*18+ only. This product contains nicotine and is addictive.

For adult nicotine or tobacco consumers only.

About us

At VUSE our goal is simple: to create better smoking alternatives for the future.


Our investment in the science of vapour is world-leading and we have drawn upon British American Tobacco's 100+ years' experience of satisfying smokers. This combination enables us to create vape experiences that are uniquely satisfying.

VUSE is produced by Nicoventures Trading Ltd, a UK-based company that belongs to the Nicoventures division of British American Tobacco.