The sale of disposable vapes is no longer allowed on the Belgian market as of January 1st 2025


Same quality, same simplicity, more options to come.

As Vype, we had one purpose: offering consumers high quality vaping products. We have now evolved into Vuse, a global brand that allows us to bring you more device innovations and more flavours with a redesigned look and feel to match.


Our new look makes it easier to spot Vuse in store and online. Flavours and devices are visualised through multi-dimensional shapes on the packaging that gives each flavour and device a unique design.

Same taste & quality

Vuse delivers the same taste and quality as Vype. Compatibility of Vype and Vuse is guaranteed, as Vuse pods simply click in and out of Vype devices, and vice versa.



Meet the Vuse ePen device that is compatible with Vype and Vuse ePen pods.

The Vuse ePEN includes:

  • Metallic Soft Touch
  • Lustre Finish
  • Improved Battery Indication


Vuse pods are compatible with Vype ePod & ePen 3 devices & vice versa



At Vuse, we believe we all have a role to play in looking after our environment. That’s why we are taking steps to deliver more sustainable vaping products to you:

  • Our packs are now 100% recyclable cardboard.
  • Our ePod device kits and pod packs are plastic film free and we have also removed the silicone caps from ePen pods.

Follow our progress as we continue to make choices to deliver more sustainable vaping products to you.

What happened to vype?

Vype became Vuse. Vuse brings everything together under one global brand that will bring device innovations and more flavours.

Why did vype change to vuse?

In 2013, we launched Vype with one purpose – to offer consumers high-quality vaping devices and flavours. Now, to continue serving our consumers as one global brand, Vype has become Vuse. Vuse offers the same quality, flavours & taste as on Vype and bring new features too.

When did vype become vuse?

Vype became Vuse on 31.05.2021.

Where in the world has vype changed to vuse?

Vype will become Vuse all over the world. We’re bringing everything together under one global brand to serve​ all our consumers better.​ 

The UK and some other regions have already made this change.

Where are vuse products available?

Vuse is available everywhere vype was previously sold.

How do i find vuse products?

Look for the Vuse packaging. You can see what Vuse products look like here (link product pages + Click & Collect)

Are vype pods compatible with vuse devices?

Yes. All Vuse devices will be backwards compatible.

Do vuse pods and flavours taste different?

No. Vuse pods deliver the same taste and are available in most of the same flavours. These are compatible with your Vype devices.

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You must be at least 18 years old to use the Vuse website. Please confirm your age before going to the website.

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Dit product bevat de zeer verslavende stof nicotine. Het gebruik ervan wordt afgeraden voor niet-rokers. La nicotine contenue dans ce produit crée une forte dépendance. Son utilisation par les non-fumeurs n’est pas recommandée. Dieses Produkt enthält Nikotin: einen Stoff, der sehr stark abhängig macht. Es wird nicht für den Gebrauch durch Nichtraucher empfohlen.