Our statement that our vaping devices have 99% fewer toxicants is based on a comparison of cigarette and Vuse emissions for a number of key toxicants present in cigarette smoke, which have been identified as harmful. However, this is not a specific assessment of whether vaping is less risky than continuing to smoke cigarettes. The use of Vuse products is not risk-free and most of our products contain nicotine, an addictive substance.



This is based on testing for the presence of a list of 9 toxicants proposed for mandatory lowering in cigarette smoke by the World Health Organisation Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation¹. These 9 toxicants were tested in the emissions of a scientific standard reference cigarette (University of Kentucky 1R6F Reference Cigarette) and the emissions of Vuse closed system products. The Vuse products assessment considers the range of the following product differences; device, nicotine content (0mg/ml to 57 mg/ml), nicotine salt and non-nicotine salt variants, different base formulation compositions (Propylene Glycol (PG): Vegetable Glycerol (VG) ratios), flavour complexity (simple e.g. crisp mint to complex e.g. peppermint tobacco), and covers the range of ePod and ePen products available. Each product was tested five times by a third-party accredited laboratory and the average result was reported.

The average per puff measured toxicant result for each Vuse product sample (at ISO Vaping puffing regime, ISO 21268:20182) was compared with the average per puff measured toxicant result for the reference cigarette emissions (at ISO Intense smoking regime, ISO 21278:20183). For the toxicants that were below the limit of detection (<LOD), the value was calculated as half of the LOD value. For the toxicants that were below the limit of quantification (<LOQ), the value was calculated as the midpoint between the reported LOD and LOQ.

The percentage reduction for each toxicant tested was calculated and the average of the 9 toxicant percentage reductions calculated. As the average percentage reductions were above 99% for all the Vuse closed system products tested, it can be stated that, based on the assessment of toxicants in the emissions on a per puff basis from Vuse closed system products, the average percentage reduction of the toxicants measured is 99% less when compared with the emissions of a reference cigarette. See tables below for actual values covering the range of Vuse closed system products and corresponding percentage toxicant reductions.


Table 1: ePod and reference cigarette measured toxicant results in emissions (on a per puff basis) and percentage reductions

The reference cigarette, 1R6F is an internationally recognised standard reference cigarette for research purposes, available for the University of Kentucky

<LOQ – Below the limit of quantification

<LOD – Below the limit of detection



At Vuse, it is very important for us to know exactly what our vapour contains. This is why we put so much care and research into every eLiquid and every product we make – to ensure the quality of ingredients, consistent vapour quality, and satisfaction from start to finish.

Our expertise in the science of vapour ensures we deliver the best possible vaping experience.

The Vuse 360-degree science perspective uses state-of-the-art research and development facilities to create our vaping products, employing more than 50 scientists covering many disciplines.  These range from toxicology to device development and manufacturing, biosciences to analytic computing.

We have a 360-degree perspective from engineers and scientists, all working together making significant and valuable contribution to that science.



• High quality ingredients.

• Tested for thermal stability when ingredients are vapourised and inhaled.

• Screened for toxicological risk.

• Tested and tracked throughout the manufacturing lifecycle.



• Delivering consistent vapour quality from the start to finish of each refill.

• Smooth and even eLiquid flow.

• Controlled airflow on vapour inhalation.



• Flavours crafted specifically for vaping experience.

• eLiquids specifically formulated for each Vuse device.

• Extensive sensory testing.

• Evaluating product performance in collaboration with consumers.


To find out more about our thorough approach, check out our ‘Vape Quality Matters’ blog

*This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance. Vuse's claims are based on a comparison of smoke from a scientific standard reference cigarette (which contains approximately 9 mg tar) and the emissions from a Vuse ePod. This comparison looked at the average levels of 9 harmful components, as identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO). WHO recommends reducing these 9 components in cigarette smoke to reduce harm.


1 Burns, D.M., Dybing, E., Gray, N., Hecht, S., Anderson, C., Sanner, T., O’Connor, R., Djordjevic, M., Dresler, C., Hainaut, P, Jarvis, M., Opperhuizen, A., Straif, K., 2008. Mandated lowering of toxicants in cigarette smoke: a description of the World Health Organisation TobReg proposal. Tob. Control 17, 132-141.

2 International Organisation for Standardisation, 2018. Vapour products – Routine analytical vaping machine – Definitions and standard conditions. ISO 21268:2018.

3 International Organisation for Standardisation, 2018. Cigarettes – Routine analytical cigarette smoking machine – Definitions and standard conditions with an intense smoking regime. ISO 21278:2018.

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Dit product bevat de zeer verslavende stof nicotine. Het gebruik ervan wordt afgeraden voor niet-rokers. La nicotine contenue dans ce produit crée une forte dépendance. Son utilisation par les non-fumeurs n’est pas recommandée. Dieses Produkt enthält Nikotin: einen Stoff, der sehr stark abhängig macht. Es wird nicht für den Gebrauch durch Nichtraucher empfohlen.