Vaping Pods Warning Note: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical (from Health Canada).
Vaping Pods Warning Note: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical (from Health Canada).


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Jul 30, 2024 • 2 min read

Interesting question, right? Most people know that smoke sets off smoke alarms, but does vapour? In places that allow vaping indoors, should you be concerned that your vape device could trigger a smoke detector?


Come along as we explore whether vape devices can really set off smoke alarms and, if so, what types of smoke alarms are likely to react to vapour. No matter the situation, always remember to use proper vaping etiquette when vaping indoors. We’ll share our top tips towards the end of this guide.

Can vaping set off smoke alarms?

The short answer is yes, vapour from vape devices can trigger certain types of smoke alarms in enclosed spaces. The longer answer is "it depends" (we'll get into that in the next question). Always check the rules and regulations where you are before attempting to vape indoors to avoid any issues.

How do different smoke alarms react to vaping?

First, it’s important to know that not all smoke alarms are triggered by smoke. Some are set off by heat while others use small beams of light to detect smoke in the air.1 Remember in the previous question when we said "it depends"? That's because some smoke detectors can be triggered by vaping. Read on to find out which.

Heat-sensitive fire alarms

Heat-sensitive alarms are designed to respond to heat in the air if there's a fire, and therefore are the least likely to be triggered by vapour.2

Ionization-based smoke detectors

Ionization smoke detectors work by monitoring the air particles between two electrically charged metal plates.3 If smoke disrupts the charged particles, the alarm is triggered. These types of smoke alarms can be triggered by vapour since vapour and smoke have a similar effect on fire alarms.4

Photoelectric smoke detectors

Photoelectric (optical) smoke detectors project a small beam of light onto a sensor chamber to detect smoke particles. Smoke disrupts the beam and triggers the alarm. Vapour can disrupt the light beam in the same way that smoke can, triggering the alarm.


In fact, vapour may even be more likely to set off these detectors than cigarette smoke as some vaping devices produce more detectable ‘particles’ than cigarettes.1

Do vapes set off hotel smoke alarms?

Possibly. Whether vaping sets off hotel smoke alarms depends on the type of alarm in the room. Your best bet is to respect hotel policies and never attempt to vape in hotel rooms where vaping is prohibited.

Do vapes set off smoke alarms on planes?

The rules in Canada and internationally are clear: you cannot vape on a plane. You may be able to travel with your vape device on a plane, but, like smoking, you can’t use it anywhere onboard the aircraft.

You can learn more about travelling with vapes on planes in our guide.

General etiquette for vaping indoors

Smoke alarms aside, you should always show good manners when vaping indoors. Here are our top tips for good vaping etiquette:


  • Check if you can vape in public places or on someone else’s property
  • Respect personal space and avoid blowing vapour clouds onto others
  • Respect people’s views on vaping
  • Avoid vaping when others are eating around you


We've got more to share about where you can and can’t vape in our guide.

Vaping with Vuse

We have a world of vape devices to offer. Shop for Vuse online and explore our rechargeable vape devicesvape pods and disposable vape range. Vuse vapes are available in assorted flavours and nicotine strengths to suit different adult nicotine consumers.



  1. Fire Fighter Insider.  (2020).  Will Incense/Smoking/Vaping Set Off A Smoke Detector?  Available at:  Accessed: 17 July 2024.
  2. Verkada Inc.  (2024).  Smoke and Vape Detection for Smart Building Management.  Available at:  Accessed: 17 July 2024.
  3. National Fire Protection Association.  (2023).  Ionization vs Photoelectric. Available at:  Accessed: 12 July 2024.>
  4. Kauffman Co.  (2018).  Can Vapes Or Cigarettes Trigger A Fire Alarm Or Sprinklers?  Available at:  Accessed: 17 July 2024.