Vuse Golden Tobacco E-Liquid Vape Pod on a Blue Background


Explore the world of zero. Vuse Canada introduces a range of nicotine-free vape flavour pods made with the power of extracts. Discover the complete collection from berry, fruit and cool mint, along with a variety of tobacco flavours. Mix & Match 2 pod packs and you could save $8.99, or start a subscription and you could pay as little as $11.36 per pack, and get your vape pods shipped straight to your door for free.

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Nicotine-Free Flavours

Polar Mint - Zero Nic E-Liquid - Vuse Pods

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  • $19.99
    per pack
  • $12.99
    per pack

Mix & Match - Buy any 2 packs save $8.99, buy 6 save $26.97 and get Free Shipping.

Full Flexibility - Choose your flavours & strengths. Pause or cancel anytime. Minimum 5 packs.

Golden Tobacco - Zero Nic E-Liquid - Vuse Pods

Select a Nicotine Level

  • $19.99
    per pack
  • $12.99
    per pack

Mix & Match - Buy any 2 packs save $8.99, buy 6 save $26.97 and get Free Shipping.

Full Flexibility - Choose your flavours & strengths. Pause or cancel anytime. Minimum 5 packs.

Vuse Vape Pods in Variety of Flavours Against a Purple Background


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