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Apr 20, 2021 • 3 min read
So, you followed the steps, you picked the best vape pen for you (hopefully it’s the Vuse ePod 2+), you discovered your favourite vape e-liquid flavours and you’ve been enjoying your vaping experience until… something unexpected happens. Your vape starts to taste burnt... Why is that? How can you fix it?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone - an occasional burnt taste is super common and it can happen to all vape pens. The good news is that there’s an easy solution to minimize that burnt taste and we’re going to walk you through it. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll be back to enjoying your vaping experience in no time.
Regardless of the type of device you’re using, you may experience a burnt taste from your vape pen from time to time. Well, the burnt vapour cloud can scratch at the back of your throat, causing you to cough. It’s not a pleasant sensation and there are various reasons for your vape tasting burnt, but the good news is that it can be easily avoided.
That burnt taste can occur if there’s not enough e-liquid on the ceramic wick inside your atomizer coil. The wick is the part of your device that soaks up the e-liquid, which is then turned into vapour when the coil heats up. Without any liquid to vaporize, the heater can start to get too hot and does not optimally heat the e-liquid, which is what causes that unpleasant burnt taste in your mouth (and ruins your vaping experience in the process). Burnt taste is most common if you're running your cartridge low on e-liquid. But that's not the only case. There's another common cause of burnt / dry hits...
This is probably the most common cause of burnt / dry hits. When taking lots of puffs in a row, your wick doesn’t have enough time to soak up the e-liquid, causing it to dry out and burn. If you start noticing a slightly burnt taste when you inhale, put your vape pen down for a moment to give the wick time to absorb more e-liquid.
Ok, so you’re sick of having your vaping experience interrupted with a burnt taste - we totally get you - so let’s jump into how you can easily avoid having a burnt taste from your vape pen.
As we mentioned before, taking lots of short, frequent puffs, could dry out the wick. Try taking longer, slower puffs, leaving 15 to 20 seconds between each puff. This will ensure that the atomizer or wick has enough time to re-absorb sufficient liquid for your next puff and give you the best vape experience.
As temperatures drop, the viscosity of your e-liquid increases. If your e-liquid becomes thicker, it becomes more difficult for it to easily flow into the atomizer or wick. For the best vape experience, it's best to store your products between 0-25°C.
Always keep an eye on the amount of e-liquid in your pods or in your disposable vape device before each vape session to ensure you don’t run out of liquid. Easy peasy!
So now that you know how to minimize the burnt taste of your vape, why not stock up on new flavour pods? Visit to (re)discover new favourites and see how you save up to $272* on vape pods.
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