If you’re about to set off on an adventure abroad it’s advisable to have a clear understanding of the vaping do’s and don’ts while en route, and when you reach your destination. Different countries have different rules and customs around vaping etiquette. In some countries, including many in the Middle East and South East Asia, vaping is banned outright. In others, you could face stiff penalties if you don’t follow the vaping laws.
Practising good vaping manners and being aware of the rules and regulations – both on your journey and beyond – will not only protect your reputation it will also protect you from falling foul of the law.
Whether you’re in Cape Town or Copenhagen, being a considerate vaper will make life easier for you and everyone around you.
Watch where you blow Others may not enjoy the heady aroma emanating from your vape as much as you do, so keep a respectful distance from others when puffing and turn your head or take a few steps back when exhaling.
If in doubt, ask Before whipping out your vape at the next braai or in a friend’s car, ask those around you if they mind you using it. If they do, take it on the chin and don’t sulk.
Not in front of the (fur) kids! Do not vape in front of children. As for the fur kids, cats and dogs are susceptible to nicotine poisoning so leaving vape juice around where they can get their paws on it isn’t a good idea either.
Rule number one: vaping in airports – other than in designated areas – is a no-no. And don’t take a sneaky puff in the toilet because there are sensors in there that will set off an alarm.
Rather look for a dedicated smoking area – many airports still have them inside terminal buildings – or top up with a pre-flight puff before you enter the terminal.
Rule number one: vaping in planes is a no-no. And don’t take a sneaky puff in the toilet because there are sensors in there that will set off an alarm.
Rule number two: check your airline’s policy on travelling with e-cigarettes, so there are no nasty surprises when you arrive at the airport.
As a general rule, airlines require lithium-ion batteries to be carried in hand luggage so that’s where you need to pack your Vuse. You can pack vape juice including flavour pods in your checked luggage. Bear in mind that vape juice carried in hand luggage will, on certain flights (such as international flights out of South Africa), form part of your limited liquid allowance and should be stored in a clear bag along with the other fluids that make up this allowance.
Different countries have vastly different laws pertaining to e-cigarettes and their use. Some are cultural, others are legislated, but they all need to be taken seriously or you run the risk of ending up in hot water a long way from home.
Thailand and Singapore, for example, have some of the strictest vaping laws around. E-cigarettes are banned outright, even for tourists. Break the law and you could face a stiff fine or worst-case scenario, a prison sentence.
In Turkey using a vape isn’t illegal but buying one is, and in Norway, you’re allowed to vape, but you can’t buy vape juice, so you’ll need to take enough with you to last the duration of your stay.
Confused yet? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Rules vary widely from one destination to another making it imperative to check local laws before travelling with your vape
Practising good vaping etiquette and mastering all the subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – do’s and don’ts can be tricky on home soil, so getting to grips with them when visiting a new place can be daunting.
By the time your flight departs, if you’ve done your homework, you should have an idea about the legality of vaping at your destination. When you arrive, you will have to figure out the more nuanced behaviours. Look around for signs about cigarette smoking. They may be accompanied by signs about vaping. Find someone credible, such as a police officer, to ask where you are allowed to vape.
Until you are absolutely sure of the rules, it should be safe to follow the rules that apply to smoking cigarettes because where smoking is prohibited, vaping is likely to be banned, too.
Being a considerate vaper extends to your behaviour in public places, at home and away. It mostly comes down to common sense, but here’s a reminder.
- Don’t ‘stealth’ vape in vape-free zones
- Don’t vape in queues
- Don’t vape on public transport
- Don’t vape in hotel rooms
- Don’t vape in public bathrooms
- Don’t vape in restaurants or while others are eating
- Don’t ask other vapers to puff on their vapes
- Don’t vape in pubs, clubs and other venues if you don’t know the vaping policy.
So how do you choose the best e-cigarette to travel with when there are so many different types of vapes on the market?
- Closed vape systems like Vuse* make the perfect travel companions. Simply click in a magnetic Vuse flavour pod, (available in a wide range of flavours and nicotine strengths) and you’ll be ready to fly. No mess, no fuss, no leaking. Best of all, provided you use the original charger, your Vuse pod should reach 80% charge in under 35 minutes.
- Disposable vape pens like Vuse Go* are an immensely popular choice among vaping travellers. Preloaded with vape liquid, and boasting an onboard lithium-ion battery these lightweight vapes are easy to use and fully charged from the moment you unwrap them. And because they don’t need charging you won’t lose valuable packing space to cables and charging bricks.
Go ahead and choose a sleek and stylish Vuse vape pen and make a selection from the wide variety of flavour pods available, or perhaps a convenient pre-filled Vuse Go disposable vape, is the one for you. Either way, with these products in your backpack you will be armed with the tools you need to observe the accepted vaping etiquette wherever you’re headed.
* This product contains nicotine and is addictive.